Re: bugs and men

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Posted by Stephen Charchuk on December 27, 1996 at 15:19:49:

In Reply to: Re: bugs and men posted by Jason on December 27, 1996 at 14:17:39:

: What you have just presented is an argument for belief rather than evidence.
: You are arguing for the benefits of a belief and the dangers of accepting
: an alternative belief. Even if your argument is right, we could still be
: living in an atheistic reality. I think we should pursue the truth even if
: the truth may be uncomfortable.

There really isn't any objective evidence of what happens to us after we all die. One has to die to find out

BTW, I feel bad when I kill a bug, not because I think that it it has a soul or anything like that, but because it is a life. I usually just put it outside. I don't know I'd do if I saw a roach though, never seen a real one before.

: In response to your argument, I would say that a soulless existence may have
: the opposite effect. Since this is the only life that we'll have, we might
: as well enjoy it to its fullest (I'll have to admit that I haven't learned
: how to do this yet). In the movie "Unforgiven" there is a scene where

I've heard what some describe as the soul as being out meteprogram.
If one looks at it and its conponents one can see that this is a very good description, and one which makes a lot of sense.

: Clint Eastwood's character says, "It's a terrible thing to kill a man. You
: take away everything he has and everthing he ever will have." (These aren't
: the exact lines). It's through this kind of logic that we can have empathy
: and respect for other people's lives. I have respect for human life because
: of empathy and rationality, not because of a supernatural C.S. Lewis style
: "natural law" in my mind.

I do as well.

: In addition, another reason why we don't go out and murder and rape is
: because we would soon find out it won't be in our best interest. Imagine a
: world where you constantly have to watch your back, you can't trust anyone,
: and you have to kill or be killed. Morality works because of logical
: reasons. There is nothing inconsistent in saying, "God does not exist but
: torturing little children is objectively wrong." Therefore, I think
: humanists have every right to condemn people like Stalin and Hitler.

Yes, we should make the most of this life because we don't know if there really is a next one.

I also believe that those who think so little of life, such as Stalin and Hitler, lose their right to life themselves.

: Finally, this is off topic, but I noticed you mentioned Carl Sagan. I was
: a little distraught to see him go. I consider him a model humanist and a
: heroic man. I really enjoyed his book, "The Demon Haunted World."

I too will miss him, he made science interesting, especially astronomy.

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